>> I have been working on extending the KOMA letter support in Org.  The
>> backend is still rough and I would like to more stuff such as
>> designing firstfood and firsthead with org elements (e.g. I use a
>> tabularx for my firstfood with varioues stuff).
>> I have changed the following objects:
> [...]
>>   3. Added from-bank, invoice and other keywords like that.  Still
>>      many to go, but some of them would probably need some thought.
>>      For instance firstfoot should work differently depending on
>>      whether it is given a NAMEd table or a string.  Any though? 
> [...]
> IMO your approach goes into a questionable direction here.  Following it
> we will end up defining the complete letterhead and letter layout by
> setting org-mode variables.  Wouldn't it be better to use Markus Kohm's
> concept of letter class options to set all the static stuff?

Potentially.  What do you mean by "letter class options"?  Are you
referring to customized LCO files or do you refer to e.g. customized

One reason for adopting such variables might be that it would, in a
very long run, allow for export into other formats that scrlttr2.

Even when using a dedicated LCO files and or org-latex-classes it
might be appropriate to overwrite variables.  

In any case I don't have a strong opinion on this issue and your
approach also makes sense.

>>   2. Added AFTER_CLOSING and AFTER_LETTER keywords for arbitrary code
>>      after \closing{.} and \end{letter}, respectively.
>>      [...]
>>      b. Would it be better to have a dedicated, say, PS and ENCL rather
>>         than the generic AFTER_CLOSING?
> I would opt for dedicated variables.

Fine by be..  At the very least these should come in the order that
they are specified in the document, I guess.  E.g. I should be able to
place ENCL before PS in the output, if I so desire.

For arbitrary code I find AFTER_CLOSING and AFTER_LETTER nice.
E.g. for pdfpages inclusions.

May contains speling mistake

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