
The following ECM fails on 2 fronts:
- the `noexport' tag on the inline task is not respected;

- the exported contents (because of the previous item) is not compilable in
  LaTeX (maybe the default in `org-latex-inlinetask' is not generic enough for
  handling such a content, or there are restrictions on the contents of inline
  tasks which I did not respect?)

Best regards,

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     ECM Noexport not respected, and failure to export
#+AUTHOR:    Seb Vauban
#+Time-stamp: <2013-02-27 Wed 15:07>
#+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:t toc:t ^:{}

* Private headline                                                  :noexport:

You don't see this. Good!

* Public headline

Normal body text...

*************** This error report should be private                 :noexport:
When pushing Submit, I got the error:

[ServletException in:/WEB-INF/sharedfiles/pdef/split/action_n235.jsp] No
getter method available for property submitinfo.xor_n249_n250 for bean under
name ViewCaseForm'

Maybe due to UTF-8 in the file =C:\WebClient\src\SubmitInfo.java=.
See as well 
*************** END

Follow-up to normal body text...
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Sebastien Vauban

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