Hello Tom, On 22 February 2013 18:28, Jonathan Leech-Pepin < jonathan.leechpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Tom On 22 February 2013 17:55, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote: Aloha Jon, [...] I don't understand. This: * Concept index :PROPERTIES: :TEXINFO_MENU_TITLE: Concept Index :INDEX: cp :END: Gives me a numbered headline and an empty section. If I add this: @@info:@printindex cp@@ then an index is generated. The headline is still numbered. Am I doing something wrong? I don't think so. From the looks of things, index wasn't fixed along with other properties to be uppercase in ox-texinfo.el. I should be able to fix it on Monday (and make sure it now works), along with the spacing of the detailed node listing. Regards, Jon I've now fixed this. Headlines with an :INDEX: property will now export as: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE @unnumbered <TITLE> (or equivalent unnumbered subheading) <content of headline> @printindex <INDEX> (assuming INDEX is a recognized type, otherwise it will simply be an unnumbered headline. I've additionally added support for appendices. These will export as @appendix <TITLE>. Indexes and appendices are mutually exclusive, indexes are tested for first. Regards, Jon