Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Jambunathan K <> writes:
>> Why are you fudging with Mail Followup headers?  Please don't
>> underestimate the confusion it creates for others.
> I believe that most people expect responses to a mailing list email to
> be directed to that list.

Pray explain why Carsten appears in the followup post and you yourself
don't figure in it.

When I send a wide reply - S W in (gnus) - my response would have been
sent "To" to Carsten.  Precisely this is what I see in my Gnus buffer.

,---- Reply buffer
| To: "Dominik, Carsten" <>
| Cc: " List" <>
| Subject: Re: OT, but not really: todays XKCD
| Gcc: nnfolder+archive:sent.2013-02
| From: Jambunathan K <>

,---- Article buffer
| Mail-Followup-To: Jambunathan K <>, "Dominik, Carsten"
|       <>, " List"
|       <>

> I am sorry you have found this confusing.

I will continue to be confused, unless an explanation is in order.  I
have noticed this consistently with your mails in the past.

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