Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> Carsten Dominik <> wrote:

> > OK, I see, this seems to be because the "\n" is no longer
> > interpreted as a newline character upon macro expansion, so the
> > entire text ends up in the ATTR_HTML line and is treated as a
> > comment.

> It seems to be coming from deep with emacs: if I create a buffer
> with
> x y z \ x y z
> and evaluate (with point somewhere on that line)
>   (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))
> I get "x y z \\ x y z", so the backslash is escaped willy-nilly.
> This happens in org-element-keyword-parser. I don't know if the
> macro expansion would replace \n with a newline absent the extra
> backslash, but I'm sure that its presence does not help any.

Even if I delete the extra backslash from the value of the macro
in org-macro-initialize-templates, the regexp fails to properly

|     ;; Install buffer-local macros.
|     (org-with-wide-buffer
|      (goto-char (point-min))
|      (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+MACRO:" nil t)
|        (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
|        (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
|          (let ((value (org-element-property :value element)))
|            (when (string-match "^\\(.*?\\)\\(?:\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\)?\\s-*$" value)
|              (funcall set-template
|                       (cons (match-string 1 value)
|                             (or (match-string 2 value) "")))))))))

OTOH, if I modify the cell argument inside set-template[fn:1] to get rid of
the extra backslash, the macro expansion happened as expected.



[fn:1] This is obviously a gross hack, only meant as a debugging aid.
       In fact, I didn't even code it up: I just stepped through the
       thing with edebug and slammed the modified value into the cell

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