> LaTeX class is never unspecified because `beamer' back-end is
> a derivative of `latex', and, as such, `org-latex-default-class' will be
> used. `beamer' could specify its own default class, but that class would
> still need to be defined in `org-latex-classes'.

Sure, it should be in the default list. What is the drawback?
> '("beamer"
> "\\documentclass[presentation]{beamer}
> \[EXTRA]"
> ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
> ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
> ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))

Looks reasonable. 
> > Plain latex export is more problematic because several options are
> > reasonable, but I can't see beamer export with an article class ...
> But it exists, and is documented in the Beamer User Guide. See section
> "21.2. Creating Handouts Using the Article Mode".

Yes, I know that, but the thing is, from a given org-file, I would expect 
beamer export to make the slides and 'plain' latex export to create the 
handout. Maybe it is difficult to achieve but it feels like the most useable 
setup. Is it at all doable?


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