Bernt Hansen <bernt <at>> writes:
> "Martin Beck" <elwood151 <at>> writes:
> > I'm trying to create a custom agenda setup for my org-mode and I wonder how
I can sort the agenda-items by
> date (Scheduled
> > or deadline): newest first.
> >
> > I only found time-up / time-down in the parameters, but that does not seem
to do what I need.
> > ...
> Hi Martin,
> I sort my daily agenda items specifically using a bunch of complicated
> sorting functions. They are all documented here:
> HTH,
> Bernt
Hi Bernt,
thanks a lot - I'm already working with your setup and currently struggling to
adapt it to my needs, but my elisp/emacs/org-mode knowledge is still too
Is it true that "time-up" only sorts items which really have a time
(hours/minutes) defined, so it does not also sort everything with
date-timestamps by date?
I tried to modify your Block Agenda by inserting the following block:
(tags-todo "PRIORITY=\"A\"" (
(org-agenda-overriding-header "Critical")
(org-agenda-entry-types '(:deadline))
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote (time-up category-keep)))
(org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'future)
(org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'future)
But unfortunately, it does only display category, TODO-keyword and subject, but
NO information about Deadline or Scheduled date.
Ho could I insert this additional "column" in the agenda view?
Kind regards