Bastien <bzg <at>> writes: > > Hi Martin, > > Martin <elwood151 <at>> writes: > > > I'll try to install it, test it and then get back to you with > > a feedback how it works as soon as I can.
Hi Bastien, I now finally installed org-mode 7.9.4 and I tried to use the new sorting features, but it did not work. I changed my sorting strategy to: (setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote ((agenda deadline-up scheduled-up time-up user-defined-up) (todo category-up priority-down effort-up) (tags category-up priority-down effort-up) (search nil)))) And now when trying to display the agenda, I get the following error: "Symbol's value as variable is void: deadline-up" Did I do something wrong or install the wrong version? Kind regards Martin