J. David Boyd <da...@adboyd.com> wrote:

> How do I get the latest version of org-mode, with git?  
> I got the version I have initially with 
> 'git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git', and I
> 'git refresh' every day, but that keeps me in 7.9.3c.

You mean ``git pull''? I get

$ git refresh
git: 'refresh' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

> I had to 'wget http://orgmode.org/org-latest.tar.gz' to get to 7.9.3d.
> What might I be doing incorrectly?  I presumed that git fetch would keep
> me up to the latest version, but it seems not to.

Depending on how you run (uncompiled from the git repo? compiled and
installed in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp? etc, etc.), you need to

        make autoloads

at the very least. If you are doing the "right" thing, compiling and
installing in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/org or thereabouts, you need to 

        make install

(probably as root).

If you are on Windows, this won't work.


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