Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> Karl Voit <> writes:
> Hi, 
>> I am not completely convinced to convert my config to org/babel but
>> I am not oppose either. Not sure, if there are that many advantages,
>> that it is worth my effort, that's all.
> its a bit like writing with LaTeX - in some simpler but common cases its
> just great to write your stuff in Org and simply press a few keys for
> the LaTeX export. But dealing with LaTeX AND Org-mode when writing a big
> complex document might not be such a good idea, there will be enough
> problems with LaTeX only. 

I wrote a book and several articles in Org mode using the old exporter.
Interesting exercises, but you're right that it would have been easier
in straight LaTeX (except for the babel parts).

I've been working with Nicolas Goaziou's new LaTeX exporter recently and
the gap between Org mode and AucTeX has narrowed considerably.
Recently, I wrote a paper for a journal that accepts LaTeX, but doesn't
have a LaTeX class file, only a template that uses the standard article
class and prescribes which packages must be used, with no additions.  It
turned out to be easy to configure the new exporter, even in this
difficult circumstance.  

The new exporter is *really* nice.  It feels right, even for big complex
documents.  I'm still using LaTeX at work, but I now write exclusively
in Org mode for all my projects outside work.  The balance has tipped
for me.
All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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