Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes: Hi,
> I am not completely convinced to convert my config to org/babel but > I am not oppose either. Not sure, if there are that many advantages, > that it is worth my effort, that's all. its a bit like writing with LaTeX - in some simpler but common cases its just great to write your stuff in Org and simply press a few keys for the LaTeX export. But dealing with LaTeX AND Org-mode when writing a big complex document might not be such a good idea, there will be enough problems with LaTeX only. I must admit I went back from Org-based multi-file config to a single big .el init file because of two reasons: - I frequently found myself looking for stuff in the tangled .el files instead of the .org files, because I was only interested in the lisp code and did not want to see all those comments in the .org files. - after figuring out that I can have full outline functionality in .el files too, the (in my eyes) main advantage of an org-based config was gone. Otherwise I really liked the org based starter-kit, it was well organized and definitely better than what I had before. -- cheers, Thorsten