Thorsten Jolitz <> writes: > Stelian Iancu <> writes: > >>> I just updated Org-mode from Git a few minutes ago, and, after having >>> problems, deleted the repo and cloned it again, ran make and make >>> autoloads, but still cannot load org.el (or start with my usual >>> starter-kit customisations): >>> >> >> [SNIP] >> >> Just my 2c: in my case, all I did was: >> - clone the git repo >> - add org-mode/lisp to the load-path >> - make autoloads >> - require 'org >>
If you are using the starter-kit, then Org-mode is required as the first step of your Emacs initialization. This is necessary so that the `org-babel-load-file' function can be used to load your customization from .org files. In this case the best (only) way to ensure that the most recent version of Org-mode is loaded is to add the path to your Org-mode install to the emacs command line with something like the following. emacs --eval "(add-to-list 'load-path \"~/src/org-mode/lisp/\")" This may be simplified with a command line alias like the following. alias emacs="emacs --eval '(add-to-list (quote load-path) \"~/src/org-mode/lisp/\")'" When I find time I plan to add this to the starter-kit documentation. -- Eric Schulte