Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Eric Schulte <> wrote:
>> Bastien <> writes:
>> > Eric Schulte <> writes:
>> >
>> >> Even with the addition of that autoload statement I get the same error
>> >>
>> >>   let: Symbol's function definition is void:
>> >>   org-load-noerror-mustsuffix
>> >
>> > Do you have any Org function called before (require 'org)?
>> >
>> > `org-load-noerror-mustsuffix' is part of org-macs.el which is
>> > required in org.el.
>> The attached init.el is sufficient to trip this error (note: I do have a
>> recent Org-mode version installed through ELPA, which is initialized
>> before the init.el is run).
>> (add-hook 'after-init-hook
>>  `(lambda ()
>>     (require 'org)
>>     (load-file "~/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/lisp/org.el")
>>     (org-reload)))
>> Sadly I have no backtrace to share, even starting with --debug-init, I
>> only get the following in my *Messages* buffer (and no *Backtrace*
>> buffer).
>>   let: Symbol's function definition is void: org-load-noerror-mustsuffix
> So, which org-macs are you loading? If the (require 'org) loads the ELPA
> org-macs (which presumably does not have the macro), then the (load-file
> ...) will not reload it (and even if it did, it would probably get the
> ELPA one again). What happens if, after the (require 'org), you delete
> org-macs from the features list, set the load path to pick up things
> from ~/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/lisp, load org.el and then try the
> org-reload?

I attempted to apply your suggestions to my init.el resulting in the

Attachment: init.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

It yields these errors on startup

  Loading /home/eschulte/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/lisp/org.el (source)...
  Package assoc is obsolete!
  Loading /home/eschulte/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20121231/org-loaddefs.el 
  Problems while trying to load feature `org-jsinfo'
  eval-buffer: Symbol's function definition is void: 

It looks like removing items from `features' is dangerous.

If this problem is specific to my situation I'm happy to ignore it until
I can update my elpa version of Org-mode to a newer one.  Alternately I
could just remove my ELPA install of Org-mode, as it was only installed
to answer questions on the mailing list, and I don't think side-by-side
ELPA and source Org-modes are necessarily something that needs to be


Eric Schulte

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