I just setup mobileOrg to use Dropbox. Setting up synchronizer in mobileOrg worked fine, Dropbox login worked fine, and I chose an existing folder named "mobile-org" to sync with.
This is in my emacs config: #+begin_src .emacs (custom-set-variables ... '(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org" "~/org/aux/contacts.org")))) (setq org-directory "~/org") (setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/mobile-org") (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/org/mobileorg.org") #+end_src I run =org-mobile-push= and get a resultant agenda SUMO buffer, but there's nothing populated in ~/Dropbox/mobile-org (like index.org or the checksum). This is in *Messages* after executing =org-mobile-push= #+begin_src *Messages* Creating agendas... org-agenda-finalize: Buffer is read-only: #<buffer *SUMO*> #+end_src >From my reading, =org-mobile-files= will be pulled from =org-agenda-files= *or* set via that variable specifically, so I think my agenda list is fine. I originally had encryption turned on via =org-mobile-use-encryption= but commented it out to avoid another complication in trying to get this going. Anything I'm missing? Thanks, John