Bastien <> writes: > > I also wish Emacs can read an ~/ init file. > That is what the starterkit for emacs 24 is attempting to do. It's got a ~/init.el that is just #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq starter-kit-dir (file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
;; load up the starter kit (org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "" starter-kit-dir)) #+end_src All of my problems seem to arise from the bad interactions between starting with the built-in package version of org that is used by the org-babel-load-file, and then transitioning part way through its execution of the to the elpa updated version of org. The result is much like a mixed version install of org. Strange things go wrong. I like having the nicely formatted and documented setup that I get with an export to html of the org files that contain the startup scripts. My intended mode of operation is to have a customized set of files that can apply to everyone, with each user also having a ~/.emacs.d/<user>.org and a ~/.emacs.d/<machine>.org to provide further user customizations, including per machine variations for users who need different setups on different machines. R Horn