I attached a minimal document that causes the error. It has a ``#+TODO:'' line 
at the top which does not list ``TODO'' as a TODO state.  Meanwhile, in other 
documents in directories listed in my org-agenda-files I have many TODO 
entries.  When org-agenda tried to collect just my TODO headlines, it found one 
in a file with locally defined TODO words but without TODO. That caused the 

Is it possible to add additional TODO keywords to a local file without 
excluding the global keywords? 



-----Original Message-----
From: Bastien Guerry [mailto:bastiengue...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Bastien
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 10:34
To: Andrews, Kyle (KC)
Cc: nicholas.do...@hp.com; emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Bug: org-agenda-get-todos: Wrong type argument: 
integer-or-marker-p, nil [7.9.2 (7.9.2-181-ge8aaca-elpa @ 

Hi Andrews,

"Andrews, Kyle (KC)" <kcandr...@dow.com> writes:

> I followed Nick's advice and tried to isolate an offending headline in
> my emacs.org. It turns out I can't have a headline called:

I still can't reproduce the problem.

Here is the recipe I used:

1. have a ~/test.org containing "* TODO REGEXP"
2. emacs -Q --find "~/test.org"
3. C-c [
3. M-x org-agenda RET < t 1 r

And no error.

Can you reproduce the error with another file yourtest.org 
and share it with us?



Attachment: another-file.org
Description: another-file.org

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