Is there a way to show the content of a node containing a plain list, so that the plain list items are collapsed? Or, is there a function that will automatically collapse all the items in the plain list?
For instance, if I have a tree like this: * Top level I ** Subheading A *** Further subheading 1 ** Subheading B * Top-level II When I first visit the file, I see: * Top level I... * Top-level II ... and if I expand the first heading, I see: * Top level I ** Subheading A... ** Subheading B * Top-level II But, if the tree has this structure instead: * TODO Top level I [0/2] - [ ] List item A Comments on list item A - [ ] List item B Comments on list item B * Top-level II ... expanding the first node expands the entire contents, including the comments -- I see *everything*. It's more useful to me to see the list items collapsed (comments hidden), and then I can use tab visibility cycling to see the comments that I want to see. I'm aware that I could use regular subheadings for these list items. The problem is that they would all have to be TODOs (because I want the parent node's progress cookie to update), but I don't need to track them individually in my agenda views. The top-level here is a homework assignment, and each list item is work received from one student. In the agenda, I need to know only that I haven't graded everything for that assignment yet, but I don't need to see a separate TODO entry for every student. Lists with checkboxes are perfect for this. Also, if I used "real" TODOs, org-mobile-push would assign an org-id to every one of them, grossly bloating my ~/.emacs.d/.org-id-locations (and bloating the org file with hundreds of :PROPERTIES: drawers that I don't really need). So it's really much more efficient for me to use list items, except that I haven't found a way to use visibility cycling on them that is as intelligent as it is for outline headings. Thanks, hjh -- James Harkins /// dewdrop world "Come said the Muse, Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted, Sing me the universal." -- Whitman blog: audio clips: more audio: