Hi Tony,

Tony Day <tonyday...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm trying to get my head around what a 'readable exchange format' is.
> org-export.el already exports as an elisp list:
> M-: (setq my-org-buffer-as-elisp (org-element-parse-buffer)) RTE
> ... and it's pretty readable :-)
> So the basic idea is that you would export from an org file to an org
> file but one with a /different/ and maybe standardized format (highly
> standardized is the oref gist?).
> For example, anything that
> is content passes through as text and everything else (org guff) is put
> into a :PROPERTIES: :END: wrapper?

Yes, why not.  

If people need an exchange format that is based on .org files but
slightly different, org-export.el can certainly help.

>> Maybe you can start working on a org-e-oref exporter, storying *all*
>> metadata into properties? ... Don't know where it will lead, but who
>> knows?
> A mission truly beyond my abilities, but how could I say no to such a
> meta org-mode process :-)
> Is the right place to start basically turning (org-element-parse-buffer)
> output back into an org buffer?  

I'd say so, but Nicolas might help more here.

> Is this best thought of as another backend? I
> can't quite see why org-e-oref.el and not just org-e-org.el? 

I would first ask myself "what is the new org format for?  
Is it worth implementing this?"



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