Hello everybody,

Org-mode version 7.9.2 (a99402fac 
GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2012-08-29 on MARVIN

When I try to HTML export the whole file the result is as expected.

When I try to HTML export a *subtree* 
with the new exporter I get "\\" if in the org file there is a newline
Please try to export the second heading "I am interested in this"
with C-@ M-x org-export-dispatch h o

     -*- mode: org; truncate-lines: nil coding:utf-8 -*-
* Another headline
* I am interested in this
:EXPORT_OPTIONS: H:5 num:nil toc:nil \n:t @:t ::t |:t ^:t f:nil *:t tags:nil 
TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:t p:nil  author:nil  email:nil  creator:nil timestamp:t
** 2nd
*** hello UP
**** hello
hello hello (newline) 
hi hi       (newline and blank!)

Up with the new exporter

Up with the new exporter

1 I am interested in this
1.1 2nd
1.1.1 hello UP


    hello hello (newline) \\ hi hi (newline and blank!) \\

    Up with the new exporter \\

    Up with the new exporter \\


this happens 

- if I do not set any PROPERTY drawer
- if the :EXPORT_OPTION: is both \n:t and \n:nil

as you can see it happens *even* at the end of the list.


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