Achim Gratz <> wrote:

> I have finally managed to compile the latest Emacs 22.3 to test Org
> with.  Things aren't looking good, Org already uses lots of functions
> that aren't present in that version and it's not just the new exporter
> or Babel.  The time might have come to officially de-support Emacs 22.
> Thoughts?

Maybe a show of hands is needed:

How many people are using org with emacs-22?

What version of org are they using?

Why are they still using emacs-22?

The answers would at least give us an idea of the magnitude of the
problem. But declaring emacs-22 unsupported as of some (past) version of
org seems eminently reasonable to me. Adding a recommended course of
action to the FAQ might be the only thing needed (if anything is needed
at all).


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