
I'd like to derive a custom agenda view that has following properties:

- show only items with associated datestamp or timestamp (same as
  «is displayed in the time grid of my usual agenda»)
- only with priority [#A]

With this, I want to get a rough overview of the most important
events and milestones of the upcoming month(s) without any
distraction by todos, minor important events, and so forth.

I do think, this would be quite handy and could replace my wall
calendar which is only available in my office.

Thanks for your help!


* shown:        :shown:
** [#A] <2012-12-11 Tue> day with prio A
** [#A] <2012-12-11 Tue 14:00-15:00> time-span and prio A

* not shown:    :notshown:
** <2012-12-11 Tue> day without prio
** <2012-12-11 Tue 14:00-15:00> day without prio and time-span
** [#B] <2012-12-11 Tue> day with prio B
** [#A] no date, prio A
** TODO <2012-12-11 Tue> todo with date
** TODO [#A] <2012-12-11 Tue> todo with date and prio
** TODO [#A] <2012-12-11 Tue 14:00-15:00> todo with date and prio and time-span

Karl Voit

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