I run Macport's Emacs and ELPA's Org on my Mac but my data lives in a Red Hat environment. I thought I could edit locally and compute remotely but there seems to be a problem with temp files for executing source blocks.
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /midway:~ echo "Executed by `whoami` on `hostname` in `pwd`" #+END_SRC Results are empty and in the message buffers appears this: executing Sh code block... Tramp: Opening connection for midway using ssh... Opening connection for midway using ssh... \ Tramp: Opening connection for midway using ssh...done Tramp: Encoding region using function `base64-encode-region'...done Tramp: Decoding region into remote file /ssh:midway:/var/folders/2y/qrw3hhkx0dlb9sbl51mjy5wm0000gn/T/sh-510999vN...done byte-code: Couldn't write region to `/ssh:midway:/var/folders/2y/qrw3hhkx0dlb9sbl51mjy5wm0000gn/T/sh-510999vN', decode using `base64 -d -i >%s' failed I suspect this has something to do with how Emacs asks OSX for temp file names. Can anyone confirm this? Is there a work-around? Ultimately I want to inspect the environment where the remote execution is happening. We use a system called Modules [1] to customize $PATH, etc. When I try this: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /midway:~ module list #+END_SRC I get "sh: line 1: module: command not found" which makes me think that the command is running on the local system where Modules is not installed. How does this square with the discussion at [2]? [1] http://modules.sourceforge.net/ [2] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2010-03/msg00071.html