Andy Moreton <> writes:
> I'm seeing a similar problem in emacs trunk (r110821) where "C-c '" in
> the *Org Src* buffer closes the source edit window and discards the
> entire contents of the source block.
> Should I raise an emacs bug for this ?
>     AndyM

I've seen this happen recently as well, specifically where I have added
comment lines to the source, e.g. lines starting with # in sh src code
blocks.  I was in a rush to get something done so didn't stop to try to
figure out what was happening or to generate a minimal example.  I also
don't know if it's still happening -- this happened to me late last
week, IRC.  I also don't know if the problem was dependent on the
version of Emacs as I use three systems daily (long story).

I will try to repeat this and develop a repeatable test case.

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.2-568-gc2ebee

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