Nick Dokos writes:

> Hsiu-Khuern Tang <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry if this has been reported -- a brief search didn't turn up anything.
>> Start with this 3-line org file:
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> #+begin_example
>> #+end_example
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> Do these steps:
>> - go to the 2nd line
>> - type C-c ' to edit the source example
>> - type some text in the new buffer, such as "test"
>> - type C-c ' to exit
>> What I get is this:
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> #+begin_example  test#+end_example
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> Anyone else able to reproduce this?
> Yes, although I cannot reproduce Myles's results with Org-mode version
> 7.9.2 (release_7.9.2-459-g6f7e92 @ /home/nick/elisp/org-mode/lisp).

Sorry I gave the wrong version.

- 7.8.11 can't reproduce it
- 7.9.2 can reproduce it (release_7.9.2-463-g468d86 @ 


> It depends on what you type exactly: typing "test" with no extra
> newlines produces the result above for me. If I add newlines, I get
> "funny-looking" results with the #+END_EXAMPLE indented some.
> Since it does not know a language, the buffer is in fundamental mode
> and you get (modulo funny indentation perhaps) whatever you type.
> Nick

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