Hi all, I've been silently suffering since the changes to source block processing announced at the end of September[1]. I had been using (abusing?) ':results org' to write results that would be processed as orgmode syntax and exported to both latex and html. For example, this
#+name: tst #+begin_src R :results output org :exports results library(ascii) cat("* First ten\n") print(ascii(head(mtcars)), type="org") cat("\n* Last ten\n") print(ascii(tail(mtcars)), type="org") #+end_src used to give me heading "First ten" followed by a table nicely formatted in html or latex depending on the export target, followed by a heading "Last ten", again followed by a nicely formatted table. Changing the data or the code in the block would update the contents. This was very convenient, and I relied heavily on this to generate reports. Now it seems that this very useful feature no longer exists, and try as I might I cannot find a way to duplicate it. Using ':results drawer' or ':results org' gives me verbatim export (i.e., * First ten is not converted to a headline, but displayed in highlighted syntax similar to the way it appears in the buffer. The only way I can get the headlines and tables to be exported properly is to set ':results raw', but then I get duplicate results every time I evaluate the R source block. I understand from the original announcement that "#+begin org / #+end org" blocks don't really make sense because these kind of blocks correspond to backends, and there is no org backend, but it was very useful. Is there any way to produce the old behavior in the current development version of org? If not, what are the chances of this very useful functionality being re-implemented? Thanks, Ista [1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-09/msg01230.html