Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Jambunathan K <> wrote:
>> Nathan Neff <> writes:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I'd like to convert org-mode documents to PDF using the exporter,
>> > on OSX, but it appears that I'd have to download MacTex which is a 2GB
>> > download.  Is there anything smaller that I could download in order to
>> > be able to
>> > export org documents to PDF?
>> Install LibreOffice and follow instructions in this thread:
> I did a quick and dirty calculation on my Ubuntu 11.04 system like this:
> ,----
> | $ apt-cache show libreoffice-* | grep Installed | awk '{ total +=
> | $2;} END {print total;}'
> | 6026311
> | $ apt-cache show texlive-* | grep Installed | awk '{ total += $2;}
> | END {print total;}'
> | 1419784
> `----
> So if Nathan objects to 2GB of TeX, I presume 6GB would be 3 (or perhaps
> 4, given my numbers) times more unacceptable :-)

According to these links:  (This lands in x86/Debian page)

the size of the package is 154M (161632133 bytes).

> Caveats:
> o I haven't checked the calculation at all (not even to make sure the
>   units are KB) - but the relative size of the numbers is telling
>   nevertheless.
> o There may be lots of extraneous packages in the lists that one could
>   omit and that might make a big difference in the final numbers.
> o Nathan may have Libre Office already installed for other reasons, in
>   which case size considerations are moot.
> Nick


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