
I do not find personal crontab file. how do I create it ? crontab -e says
my personal file is not there

If I want to run it as root then how do modify the following code as it is
nor working ..

mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/org/backup && \
find $HOME -type f -name '*\.org' ! -path "/home/USERNAME/org/backup/*" \
    -exec cp -t /home/USERNAME/org/backup/ \{\} \;
echo "Daily Org Files Backup Successful: $(date)" >>


*Sanjib Sikder
*Ph.D. Fellow
Chemical Engineering
IIT Bombay*


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Teemu Likonen <tliko...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Sanjib Sikder [2012-10-18 00:32:00 +0530] wrote:
> > Even after 26th minute, there is no sign of the code in work. Is it that
> > $HOME is not allowed and I need to give full path ?
> Ah, I thought that you'd run it from your personal crontab. So yes,
> write paths from root's point of view.

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