Dear org-moders, I now believe I found a bug in org-read-date. There is a problem parsing European dotted dates. In Dates the like DD.MM.YYYY or DD.MM.YY or DD.MM. `MM' is recognised as year instead of month:
Today is 2012-10-11: (org-read-date t nil "Kommt am 27.10.2012 um 14:00 Uhr") gives "2010-10-27" expectet outcome is "2012-10-27" Same with abbreviated years: (org-read-date t nil "Kommt am 27.10.12 um 14:00 Uhr") "2010-10-27" expectet outcome is "2012-10-27" Days are interpreted correctly: (org-read-date t nil "Kommt am 27. um 14:00 Uhr") "2012-10-27" Since I customised german day names this also is correct: (org-read-date t nil "Kommt am Sonntag um 14:00 Uhr") "2012-10-14" The most common way of expressing dates this year is interpreted wrongly: (org-read-date t nil "Kommt am 27.10. um 14:00 Uhr") "2010-10-27" expectet outcome is "2012-10-27" I read the source of org-read-date but didn't grok it. The regex in the section labeled ";; Help matching dotted european dates" looks good to me, but... Emacs : GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw scroll bars) of 2012-10-09 on dex, modified by Debian Package: Org-mode version 7.9.2 (release_7.9.2-436-g9b11e6 @ /home/grfz/src/org-mode/lisp/) I also did these tests with `env -i emacs -d :0.0 -Q': - GNU Emacs / Org-mode 7.9.2 - GNU Emacs 23.4.1 / Org-mode: 6.33x --> same results (with the exception of german day names). Thanks for your attention, Gregor * Gregor Zattler <> [11. Oct. 2012]: > > > today (2012-10-11) I yanked "Kommt am 13.10. um 14:00 zum" into > the date/time prompt: the date is recognised as "<2010-10-13 Mi > 14:00>" instead of <2012-10-13 Sa 14:00> as I would expect since > I have the following customisations (excerpt): > > (custom-set-variables > ;[...] > '(calendar-date-style (quote european)) > ;[...] > '(diary-date-forms (quote ((day "\\. ?" month "\\. ?[^0-9]") > (day "\\. ?" month "\\. ?" year "[^0-9]") > (day "/" month "[^/0-9]") > (day "/" month "/" year "[^0-9]") > (backup day " *" monthname > "\\W+\\<\\([^*0-9]\\|\\([0-9]+[:aApP]\\)\\)") > (day " *" monthname " *" year "[^0-9]") > (dayname "\\W")))) > ;[...] > ) > > as part of my .init.el. > > > I thought the first diary date form would match this text but it > doesn't. Even "Kommt am 13.10.2012 um 14:00 zum" is parsed as > "<2010-10-13 Mi 14:00>". I thought the second diary date form > would match this. > > Before I realised this I captured several events with wrong dates. > > Any Ideas? > > Ciao, Gregor > Ciao, Gregor -- -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-