Hi Seb, On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 01:06:24PM +0200, Sebastien Vauban wrote: > Hi Suvayu and Nicolas,
[...] > > However, I thought that LaTeX_CLASS had been renamed EXPORT_LaTeX_CLASS, but > when using the latter, I get frames inside an `article' documentclass type of > document -- while using `C-c E l O' (for Beamer)? That results in a weird > document... > I believe that is the property name only for subtree export. So when exporting a file, use: #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer for subtree export use: * Beamer presentation :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_LaTeX_CLASS: beamer :END: Hope this helps, -- Suvayu Open source is the future. It sets us free.