
Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:

> Yes, archive-contents is not currently produced.  AFAIK the server is
> still running Emacs�23 and I don't know if package-x is available.
> Although it should be possible to produce the package description
> vectors manually at the moment, I would like to avoid that.
>> Where will one point ELPA to use these new packages?  E.g.,
>>     ;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
>>     (add-to-list 'package-archives
>>       '("Org-mode" . "http://orgmode.org/pkg/foo";))
> When archive-contents gets created, the URL must likely will be
> http://orgmode.org/pkg, until then you need to download the tar file and
> do a package-install-file.

http://orgmode.org/pkg/ is fine.

How is the GNU ELPA downloading org-*.tar currently?  

org-plus-contrib-*.tar should not be downloaded on elpa.gnu.org.
So maybe we should have two directories?

Let me know what I need to add on the server.

Jason may also help by installing Emacs 24.2 if necessary.


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