1. There is no need to do download and M-x package-install-file RET if the publishing server has a `archive-contents' file.
Org's daily tars are already pushed to Orgmode.org and then later pulled by GNU's ELPA servers. So only thing needed is a public URL on Orgmode.org for package tars and an archive-contents. 2. IMO, packages destined for Emacs are much more valuable than those that lie in githubs and bitbuckets. Why is there a hesitation to bundle org-export.el and org-e-*.el (written by me and Ngz) in to it's own ELPA package or ship it along with daily tars. 3. There is a `package-upload-file' from package-x.el that can upload make-produced-tar and *also* update `archive-contents' with the new version. All of 1, 2 and 3 is available my ELPA makefile changes in org-jambu.git. It's clear what needs to be done. Despite that, IMSNHO, there is hesitation and too much discussion. --