Hi Bastien,

Bastien <b...@altern.org> writes:

> Hi Thomas,
> t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
>> I'm using Org from Elpa (which is neat).  When I updated and refreshed
>> Org, I got the following error:
>> Loading 
>> /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/org-w3m.elc...done
>> Loading /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/org-wl.elc...done
>> Loading /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/org.elc...done
>> Cannot open load file: ob.el
>> This seems strange to me because I have Org in
>> ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20120824, and not /Applications/Emacs.app/...
> It's even weirder, because the org-20120824.tar you downloaded by
> uploading contains Org 7.8.11.
> The Org ELPA packages is first created on http://orgmode.org
> (http://orgmode.org/pkg/daily/) then copied to http://elpa.gnu.org.
> I replaced org-20120824.tar with one containing Org 7.9.
> Perhaps first reupdate and report?
> HTH,

Reporting back.

Restarting Emacs got by the "Cannot open load file: ob.el" error.  I
haven't been able to reproduce this error when I reload or refresh Org.

Also, I haven't seen any references to
/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/... since I had the error loading
ob.el.  I read through the FAQ and discovered that one of the
starter-kits (the Worg page just refers to "starter-kit," as if it were
a singleton) can lead to a situation where Org packaged with Emacs is
loaded first, leading to a "frankenstein" Org.  The solution noted
there, to call (package-initialize) early on, appears to have been
adopted in Eric Schulte's starter-kit for Emacs 24, which I use, and
which AFAICT calls this function early in the process.  

Perhaps updating through elpa breaks a load-path link established by the
starter-kit for the old Org installation, due to the name change in the
elpa Org package date stamp?

Later, I removed the Org package and reinstalled it, using the package
manager.  The process worked fine, but I still have Org 7.8.11.  Perhaps
I should wait patiently for 7.9 to propagate to elpa?  Not a problem on
a beautiful beach day :)

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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