
Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:

> Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@gmx.com> writes:
>> I'm surprised that elisp doesn't provide any mechanism for local
>> anonymous functions.  
> (let ((my-local-func (lambda (a) (message a))))
>      (funcall my-local-func "Hello!"))
> is fine.
> It's just for recursive local function -- letrec provides it now, 
> but apparently cl-labels was needed for that before.

You can have recursive local functions:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(let* (len                              ; For byte compiler.
       (len (lambda (l) (if (not l) 0
                     (1+ (funcall len (cdr l)))))))
  (funcall len '(1 2 3)))


Nicolas Goaziou

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