Hi all,

Yes, we can improve the website.

I suggest we organize a contest and vote for the design we want.

Here are the rules:

- The "new design" refers both to http://orgmode.org/ and to

- The new design will be applicable as a set of patches against the
  current git repository.  If you don't know how to use git, please
  ask a friend.  You can clone the repo like this:

  ~$ git clone git://orgmode.org/worg.git

- Participants will host a demo of their proposal online.

- Participants will send their demo by August, 25th, midnight.

- People will then vote on the Org mailing list for the best demo.

- Only one demo per participant can be part of the vote.

- Only one vote per subscriber of the mailing list.

- The current design will be among the ones we can vote for.

- The vote will happen between August, 26th and 31st.

- If two or more designs are top-voted with the same number of votes, 
  I will choose one.

Let the dice roll,


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