Mark Stoehr <> wrote:

> Hi,  I'm trying to include python source code in my document and I'm
> finding that org-babel-execute-buffer ( as well as C-c C-c at the end
> of a code block) does not successfully run my code, instead I get an
> error "Invalid function: org-save-outline-visibility".  I saw messages
> earlier
> regarding an apparently similar problem but my understanding of emacs
> lisp is insufficient for me to make sense of it.  My program:
> #+BEGIN_SRC python
> print "Hello World"
> return 1+2
> I also have trouble getting tangle to work. With the following problem
> #+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle yes
> print "Hello World"
> return 1+2
> both C-c C-v t and M-x org-babel-tangle fail saying that 0 blocks have
> been tangled.  I also tried the examples with the #+BEGIN_SRC and
> #+END_SRC being in lowercase and that didn't change anything.

Cannot reproduce either problem: the code block produces a

: 3

and the tangle says:

tangled 1 code block from


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