On 25 jul 2012, at 17:39, Nick Dokos wrote:

> Christer Boräng <m...@chalmers.se> wrote:
>> In message 
>> <CAJN7d86LrDuFQibeTCh3g-WvgTk75ituqXccVf=y1qdvwpp...@mail.gmail.com>
>> , Xin Shi writes:
>>> Hello Experts,
>>> In the *Org Agenda* buffer, I usually use the key "r" to refresh the
>>> content. If some of the agenda files have change from the disk, it will pop
>>> up the question in the mini-buffer to ask what to do. As I choose "r" to
>>> revert most of the time, and I have to do several times to revert all the
>>> related agenda files. I'm wondering if there is a command to revert all
>>> agenda files? Or "force revert"?
>> Hi.
>> You could do what I do and run global-auto-revert-mode.
> There are times when you might wish that you didn't use this: I have on
> some occasions mangled a file outside of emacs, but I still had the
> buffer with the all-important contents in emacs, so I was able to avert
> catastrophe: iiuc, global auto-revert would revert the buffer from the
> file on disk, eliminating the possibility of undoing the mistake.
> On the OP's question, I'd prefer a more targeted solution: something
> like this should work (very lightly tested - check the doc for
> revert-without-query if you want to modify the regexp):
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> (defun xin-shi-org-revert-agenda-buffers ()
>  (interactive)
>  (mapcar
>   (lambda (file)
>     (let ((revert-without-query '(".*\.org$")))
>       (find-file file)
>       (revert-buffer)))
>   org-agenda-files))
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The variable org-agenda-files can also contain directories.  Therefore
you should use the function call

   (org-agenda-files t)

to get a list of the files.  The t means, even if the agenda
is currently restricted, get all files.

Another improvement to this function would be to limit it
to files currently visited - but I guess this is a minor issue
as the next agenda command will visit all those files anyway.

- Carsten

> Nick

- Carsten

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