I have done this:

cd ~/share/org-mode.git
git checkout release_7.8.11
git checkout -b rel7.8.11
make install

I've already set up a ton of orgmode stuff in ~/.emacs, but Emacs was still 
finding the old org version. So I added:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/dlm/share/org-mode.git/lisp")

Now, when I reload orgmode, the minibuffer correctly shows "Org-mode version 
7.8.11 (release_7.8.11 @ /home/dlm/share/org-mode.git/lisp/)" but...

Export to PDF dies with: "org-version: Symbol's function definition is void: 

How do I complete the installation?

James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
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