Le dimanche 15 jui 2012 à 12:38:03 (-0400), James Harkins a écrit :
> If I set up a custom agenda command for 30 days, I get stuff like this:
> Month-agenda (W28-W33):
> Sunday     15 July 2012
> Monday     16 July 2012 W29
> Tuesday    17 July 2012
> Wednesday  18 July 2012
> Thursday   19 July 2012
>   agenda_main:12:00...... Scheduled:  Sushi then Blueberry fest       
> :Trip2012::
> The problem is, in MobileOrg, I see a list of days first, no indication which 
> days have anything in them.
> So I would like to have this agenda view include only days with items in them:
> Month-agenda (W28-W33):
> Thursday   19 July 2012
>   agenda_main:12:00...... Scheduled:  Sushi then Blueberry fest       
> :Trip2012::
> *Maybe* include "Monday     16 July 2012 W29" for the week number.
> Then in M-org, I would know if I expand a day, that there's something inside.
> Possible? The "customize" interface reveals no settings that would seem to 
> apply.

Hi James,

The variable org-agenda-show-all-dates is done for you (default value
"t"). Change its value for "nil" to show only the days with something
inside. Either in your custom agenda view, or globally in the
"customize" interface (Org Agenda -> Org Agenda Daily/Weekly -> Org
Agenda Show All Dates). (See also the new useful "doc" page on Worg:

However, this does not answer the other part of your question, i.e.
include the Mondays for Week Numbers...



> hjh
> --
> James Harkins /// dewdrop world
> jamshar...@dewdrop-world.net
> http://www.dewdrop-world.net
> "Come said the Muse,
> Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
> Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman
> blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
> audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
> more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks

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