M <elwood...@web.de> writes:

> So unfortunately I'll have to find a way to integrate as good as possible.
> (I had tried to use MS Outlook 2007 for managing tasks for some weeks but I
> was missing a lot of features I got used to from org-mode, so I installed
> org-mode.
> One example of helpful integration: if I send or get an e-mail which I want
> to follow-up on later, I want to track that in org-mode and I want to have a
> way to quickly find the original message in Outlook again (to reply or
> forward it or whatever), which can be done with hyperlinks.

You can set up Gnus if Exchange server is available via IMAP otherwise
see Q 3.10 [1]. With Gnus you can easily insert links right to your
e-mail. Indeed the ability to bookmark an e-mail is something I would
miss without Org mode.

[1] http://gnus.org/manual/gnus_397.html#SEC446

> I'm sure there are a lot more useful tricks which can help in daily work, e.
> g. a vba macro which copies the path to the currently open word or excel
> document into the clipboard or even directly opens org-capture to add some
> note or task which is linked to this document...

You can use dired to navigate to your word document in the first place
and make a link using dired.


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