Suhail Shergill <> writes:

> Jambunathan K <> writes:
>>>> running org-export-as-html on a subtree is currently problematic if
>>>> the result is to be merged into a document which contains html-ized
>>>> versions of other subtrees: the footnote references and definitions
>>>> get clobbered.
>> Do the subtrees come from the same org file?
> that is the use case, yes.

Try marking the subtrees with :export: tag.  Lookup the following in the
mailing list, worg or the info manual.

     #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS:   Tags that select a tree for export
     #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS:  Tags that exclude a tree from export

With this, do footnotes come out along the expected lines?

>> Won't it look odd and confusing to a reader, when there are two
>> different footnote definitions with the same number. 
> yes i agree that would be very confusing. but why, pray tell, would
> there be two different definitions with the same number?

<a>you haven't modified the description have you?</a>

>> Confusion is like to be pronounced, if the reader chooses to also print out
>> the document as a pdf or into paper.
> the *only* behavioural change that this effects is that the links (and 
> backlinks
> from the definitions to references) will continue to work properly even in the
> event the user decides to merge the result of multiple subtree exports into 
> one
> single document.

Links are visible when stuff is printed out on paper.  Is it?

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