
Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:

> A letter is no more than a header with the author, the date, the object
> of the letter, perhaps the client's address and the content of the
> letter.
> If you find a nice LaTeX class, it is quite straightforward to create a
> derived LaTeX backend with ̀org-export-define-derived-backend' so that
> you get a .tex file using that class and the correct instructions.

Good idea!

> I would use #+PROPERTY to define the necessary information such as 
> your address, etc.

Another solution could be to create dedicated buffer keywords. With the

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'letter 'e-latex
  :options-alist ((:address "ADDRESS" nil nil newline)
                  (:destination "DESTINATION" nil nil newline)
                  (:object "OBJECT"))
  :translate-alist ((template . org-letter-template)))

you can define an address with:

#+begin_src org
#+ADDRESS: Free Software Foundation
#+ADDRESS: 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
#+ADDRESS: Boston, MA 02110-1301

and access it with (plist-get info :address) in `org-letter-template'.


Nicolas Goaziou

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