
> This however didn't work for me. Since the beamer export is not in the
> dispatcher yet, I tried the following:
>   * Lifetime acceptance WG update
>     :LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
>     :LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation,smaller]
>     :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: WG_update.pdf
>     :EXPORT_AUTHOR: Suvayu Ali
>     :EXPORT_DATE: 05 June, 2012
>     :EXPORT_OPTIONS: H:1 num:nil toc:nil ^:{}
>     :END:
>   ** Frame title 1
>   M-: (org-e-beamer-export-to-pdf t)
> The exported latex source however has the following:
>   \documentclass[11pt]{article}

This is because "LaTeX_CLASS" and "LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS" properties are
not recognized as export properties. You have to use them as a buffer
keyword (#+LATEX_CLASS: beamer).

> I would also like to work on some user documentation for the beamer
> backend (when I do find some free time :-p). I see that org-e-beamer.el
> is very well commented so I will start there, but do you have any other
> pointers that might help me clearly document the supported features?

I suppose you know about Eric S Fraga's tutorial at:


Since the back-end shares a lot with its previous incarnation, you will
find, /mutatis mutandis/, much information about it.


Nicolas Goaziou

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