The ([, ], v [) functionality is useful. I find, however, that it requires you to generate the agenda twice for each date.
=== Would it make sense to unify this concept with log mode? Like this: 1) make it a first-class member of org-agenda-log-mode-items like state, clock, etc. 2) have the semantics be the same as with other org-agenda-log-mode-items members Possible wishlist / brainstorm-type items: 1) if a header appears more than once with the same timestamp, display it only once 2) make log mode items independently controllable by making them quasi-tags and allowing tag filtering 3) allow sets of tags - as an example, show state changes and inactive timestamps in one view and closed in another. - user supplies list of lists of tags. each list is such a view. - replace the log and log-all views with cycling among tag sets. 4) notice how tag filtering and log mode prevent the need to regenerate the agenda buffer. the agenda is too slow to regenerate. - do the same for sorting - cycle among user-specified views - allow more than one user-defined sorting strategy member + this is actually much more important to me than the log mode items idea + i would like to show different sorts just as i do in dired + immediate display of deadlines first, then immediate display of category order Related functionality: 1) the timeline view is for one file. detailed exposition of its algorithm by Carsten exists along with discussion by others. 2) org-find-timestamps.el might provide something similar - perhaps it also provides the ability to specify a range and display in a timeline 3) it would be nice to be able to do any type of search (such as a text search or a tags search) and have it show up in a timeline-like way. on what dates did I talk about "agenda {log.mode} items"? let me see them in order. 5) in daily/weekly, go to first date that matches text. I'm not aware of other ways of browsing dates, including inactive timestamps, across all agenda files. === Probably there are a lot of subtleties, but [ and log mode seem similar to me as a user, so maybe it's possible. In case the idea is of interest. Thanks. Samuel -- The Kafka Pandemic: