Jeff Rush <> wrote:

> On 06/20/2012 07:17 PM, Moritz Ulrich wrote:
> > 
> > Jeff Rush <> writes:
> > 
> >> I also found in a Google search the interesting
> >> 'org-clock-frame-title-format' implying I might be able to display the
> >> clocked-in task info in the frame header, but no actual example of it
> >> being used.
> > 
> > Try setting `org-clock-clocked-in-display' to 'both or 'frame-title.
> Thanks Moritz for this suggestion.  However it doesn't seem to be
> implemented in the latest official release, which I'm running:
>     app-emacs/org-mode-7.8.11

That's not right - it went in with commit 37fafb7b and git says:

$ git describe 37fafb7b

so it should certainly be in 7.8.11:

$ git describe release_7.8.11^

But I get:

$ git describe release_7.8.10^

I'm not sure why 37fafb7b is shown relative to 7.8.09 and not 7.8.10 -
perhaps I'm misunderstanding or doing something wrong, but I interpret
this as:

7.8.09 + 36 commits  -> 7.8.10
7.8.10 + 604 commits -> 7.8.11
7.8.09 + 248 commits = 7.8.10 + (248 - 36 = 212 commits) -> 37fafb7b

> I give a Git checkout a try, hopefully the master branch is stable.

It seems to be working fine.


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