Hello, Myles English <mylesengl...@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi, > > In case anyone else is wondering about this. > > There are now several examples of managing bibliographies and associated > papers in orgmode [1][2][3]. Typically these involve a collection of pdf > journal > papers, a .bib file, notes.org and draft_paper.org. There has also been > a bit of discussion of zotero on this list. […] > Any comments are of course welcome but I am really just posting for > posterity. > FWIW I have been using zotexo[1] which does automatic exportation to bib file from a Zotero collection and org-mode, reftex with similar simple setup as you described for writeup. Zotexo interacts with MozRepl[2] for the exportation. The setup for zotexo very simple with just couple of file local variables. But I haven't yet integrated note taking with org-mode. your setup is looks nice, thanks for sharing.. Ideally It would be nice to have a elisp interface with zotero client API(js) just as Magit for Git (Since Zotero UI is not so pretty for a Emacs user). It seems possible, but would be huge task. Another small info, Recently I crossed the zotero.org account limit 100mb (free), So now I switched to cloudme[3] which is offering free WebDAV service for upto 3gb. Thanks., Yagnesh Footnotes: [1] https://github.com/vitoshka/zotexo [2] https://github.com/bard/mozrepl [3] http://www.cloudme.com/en