Hello Rasmus,

Rasmus wrote:
>  - Operating with pauses are overly hard.  One can specify overlays in
>    properties, but <n> is just not very convenient, as I may have to
>    introduce a new number j<n.  I prefer the pause, but it does not feel
>    'natural' in the current org-beamer (IMO).

I certainly will put my grain of salt later on, but I wanted to quickly react
on that point, already mentionned in the thread.

IIUC, you seem to say it's difficult to use the overlay notation, but you can
use it very easily that way:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
** Overlay effects \\ Keep the suspense!

*** Time bomb                                                        :B_block:
    :BEAMER_env: block

1. <2-> Two more to go
2. <3-> One more to go
3. <4-> Last chance...
4. <5-> BOOM!
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The same applies for itemized lists.

How would you wanna see it in a more simple fashion?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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