Hi Nicolas,

first of all, I think the block idea is a good one, as long a notes will
remain headlines.  Nevertheless I often had the problem in my documents,
that I wanted to insert code between frames.  It would be great, if you
could provide a clean solution for such things, too.  (ignoreheading
does not work in all cases)  A special headline class or tag that does
not generate a frame but can contain LaTeX code that is inserted instead
of a frame would be enough.  Inserting a great number of "newcommand"
calls before the first frame would be another use of such a thing, as
the alternative, multiple "#+LaTeX_HEADER" statements, is very ugly and
even sometimes fails because of parser problems.

Then I had another problem, for which I was forced to patch the org-mode
code: My university requires me to use a corporate design for my slides.
 This design is implemented as a document class, so instead of
\documentclass{beamer} I need to use a different class name.  However,
Org Beamer only works correctly, if the documentclass is "beamer".
(#+STARTUP: beamer is NOT enough)  Therefore, I needed to change the
hardcoded string in the source code (and now can only output documents
with the corporate style).  It would be very nice, if you could find a
solution that works without a hardcoded string at all.  Maybe rely on
"#+STARTUP: beamer" or something else.  (The function I needed to modify
is org-beamer-after-initial-vars)

Kind regards,

Daniel Bausch
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Fachbereich Informatik
Fachgebiet Datenbanken und Verteilte Systeme

Hochschulstraße 10
64289 Darmstadt

Tel.: +49 6151 16 6706
Fax:  +49 6151 16 6229

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