Hi all, I experience problems when using \ref and \cite in documents, and then exporting to odt.
I can replace the \ref{uuu} with [[uuu]] (breaking compatibility with the legacy exporter), but how would I replace \cite? My only 'solution' momentarily is to export with #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:nil I guess this is a bug? Regards, Andreas PS: Here follows an example: Use this bib-file: ,----[ literature.bib ] | @article{schulte:2012, | author = "Eric Schulte and Dan Davison and Thomas Dye and | Carsten Dominik", | title = "A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate | Programming and Reproducible Research", | journal = "Journal of Statistical Software", | volume = "46", | number = "3", | pages = "1--24", | day = "25", | month = "1", | year = "2012", | CODEN = "JSSOBK", | ISSN = "1548-7660", | bibdate = "2011-10-03", | URL = "http://www.jstatsoft.org/v46/i03", | accepted = "2011-10-03", | acknowledgement ="", | keywords = "", | submitted = "2010-12-22", | } `---- When I try to export this file to odt: ,---- | #+TITLE: Citations in non-LaTeX | | | * Related Work... | can be found in \cite{schulte:2012}. | | | | #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[natbib,backref,backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,isbn=false,url=false,eprint=false]{biblatex} | #+LATEX_HEADER: \bibliography{literature} | #+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\bibhang}{1em} | #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{hyperref} `---- I get this backtrace: ,---- | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) | expand-file-name(nil "/home/andreas/org/") | (let* ((src-file (expand-file-name path (file-name-directory org-current-export-file))) (target-dir (format "Formula-%04d/" (incf org-e-odt-embedded-formulas-count))) (target-file (concat target-dir "content.xml"))) (message "Embedding %s as %s ..." (substring-no-properties path) target-file) (make-directory target-dir) (org-e-odt-create-manifest-file-entry "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula" target-dir "1.2") (case (org-e-odt-is-formula-link-p src-file) (mathml (copy-file src-file target-file (quote overwrite))) (odf (org-e-odt-zip-extract-one src-file "content.xml" target-dir)) (t (error "%s is not a formula file" src-file))) (org-e-odt-create-manifest-file-entry "text/xml" target-file) target-file) | org-e-odt-copy-formula-file(nil) | (file-name-directory (org-e-odt-copy-formula-file src)) | (org-e-odt-format-tags "<draw:object xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>" "" (file-name-directory (org-e-odt-copy-formula-file src))) | (let* ((src (cond ((eq (org-element-type element) (quote link)) (let* ((type ...) (raw-path ...)) (cond (... ...) (t raw-path)))) ((member (org-element-type element) (quote (latex-fragment latex-environment))) (let* ((latex-frag ...) (formula-link ...)) (and formula-link (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link) (match-string 1 formula-link)))) (t (error "what is this?")))) (caption-from (case (org-element-type element) (link (org-export-get-parent-element element)) (t element))) (captions (org-e-odt-format-label caption-from info (quote definition))) (caption (car captions)) (href (org-e-odt-format-tags "<draw:object xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>" "" (file-name-directory (org-e-odt-copy-formula-file src)))) (embed-as (if caption (quote paragraph) (quote character))) width height) (cond ((eq embed-as (quote character)) (org-e-odt-format-entity "InlineFormula" href width height)) (t (let ((table-info nil) (table-info (quote (:alignment ["c" "c"] :column-groups [nil nil] :row-groups ... :special-column-p nil :width [8 1]))) (org-lparse-table-ncols 2)) (org-e-odt-list-table (list (list (org-e-odt-format-entity "CaptionedDisplayFormula" href width height captions) (let* ... ...))) (quote (table (:attr_odt ...))) info))))) | org-e-odt-format-formula((latex-fragment (:value "\\cite{schulte:2012}" :begin 70 :end 89 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 54 :end 94 :contents-begin 54 :contents-end 90 :post-blank 3 :parent (section (:begin 54 :end 336 :contents-begin 54 :contents-end 336 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline (:raw-value "Related Work..." :title ... :begin 36 :end 336 :pre-blank 0 :hiddenp nil :contents-begin 54 :contents-end 336 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :scheduled nil :deadline nil :timestamp nil :clock nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :category nil :parent ...) #4)) #2 (keyword (:key "LATEX_HEADER" :value "\\usepackage[natbib,backref,backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,isbn=false,url=false,eprint=false]{biblatex}" :begin 94 :end 214 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) (keyword (:key "LATEX_HEADER" :value "\\bibliography{literature}" :begin 214 :end 256 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) (keyword (:key "LATEX_HEADER" :value "\\setlength{\\bibhang}{1em}" :begin 256 :end 298 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)) (keyword (:key "LATEX_HEADER" :value "\\usepackage{hyperref}" :begin 298 :end 336 :post-blank 0 :parent #4)))) "can be found in " #0 "."))) (:author "Andreas Leha" :creator "Generated by Org mode 7.8.11 in Emacs" :date nil :description nil :email "andreas@werner" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :headline-levels 3 :keywords nil :language "en" :preserve-breaks nil :section-numbers t :select-tags ("export") :time-stamp-file t :title ("Citations in non-LaTeX") :with-archived-trees headline :with-author t :with-clocks nil :with-creator comment :with-drawers nil :with-email nil :with-emphasize t :with-entities t :with-fixed-width t :with-footnotes t :with-plannings nil ...)) | .... | .... | .... | org-export-dispatch() | call-interactively(org-export-dispatch record nil) | command-execute(org-export-dispatch record) | execute-extended-command(nil "org-export-dispatch") | call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil) `----