Ethan Ligon <> writes: > #+TITLE: Example of name collision bug > #+AUTHOR: > #+EMAIL: > #+DATE: 2012-06-07 Thu > #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t > > * Figure and trivial code reference > Here we have a figure. > This example works as expected; we get a latex figure on export. > > [[./foo.png]] > > * Figure and trivial code reference (with collision) > Here we have a figure and a trivial code block with a noweb reference. > The difference is that the basename of the figure matches the noweb > reference. Instead of a figure on latex export, we get a hyperref! > > [[./bar.png]] > > #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports none > #<<bar>> > #+END_SRC
Ah, so as it turns out the syntax for the noweb reference happens to be the same as the syntax used to specify a latex label. In this case the LaTeX exporter first mistakes the <<bar>> as a label anchor, and then apparently converts the bar.png link to a real link. The latex exporter probably shouldn't try to make anchors out of the text within code blocks. However, in the mean time you can customize the noweb syntax using the `org-babel-noweb-wrap-start' and `org-babel-noweb-wrap-end' variables so that they aren't mistaken for label anchors. Best, -- Eric Schulte