Sebastien Vauban writes:
> These allow me to do everything I want (I'm even admin of my machine).

OK, so the ACL are out of the game then.

>> It looks like lisp (or all of org probably) is both under SVN and Git
>> version control... That is a Bad Idea™ and might explain why the buffer
>> becomes read-only if org-install.el is already registered in SVN (which
>> doesn't allow non-check-out files to be edited).
> The location ~/src/org-mode/lisp/ is not in both Git and SVN.

It must be, or at least there must be a directory .svn there, otherwise
vc-svn would not be loaded.  Either that or you have some local
configuration to always load vc-svn for that path.

> But, you're right, this could be confusing. So, I've just clone Org into
> C:/home/, a directory which is absolutely not under any VC system; and ditto
> for its parent C:/.
> The same happens, this time without any vc messages (neither Git nor SVN).

No, vc-git got loaded (as it should).  Please add this definition to the
newly created

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
# Using emacs in batch mode.
BATCH   = $(EMACS) -batch -Q -q -no-site-file
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

...and try again.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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